Spelling lists are given out each term and cover the national curriculum spelling objectives and will incorporate the Year 5/6 spelling list from the national curriculum.
It is vital that the children learn their spellings each week. In addition to learning the words, the children should learn any applicable rules or tricky parts in the words.
The children are assessed in their spellings the first week of the autumn term using the single word spelling test. This is repeated in March and July to show progression. The single word spelling test helps to identify any difficulties with spelling so the children can receive support if necessary. This test will give each child a spelling age..
We are currently following the Ready Steady Spell scheme and the spelling lists come from this. Children receive 3x 20 minute sessions each week to practise these words.
Some children will complete IDL which is a spelling and reading intervention program. They have time in school twice a week but can also access this at home.
If you lose your sheet, you will find sheets on here and attached to the notice board in the classroom.