
Duddon St. Peter's is a Church of England School. This means that it has a Christian Foundation, although it is still in the control of the local Education Authority.
We are proud of the Christian ethos within the school, which is reflected in the school community and the way in which children and adults are encouraged to care for one another.
Great attention is given to the potential of each member of the community and to the fulfilment of that potential. It is also reflected in the wide range of the curriculum, which has a strong focus on creativity.
Regular services are held in the church and we are very pleased that there continues to be a close bond between church and school.
We use our Church for services - Harvest Services, Easter Services, Christmas Services and our Year Six Leavers' Service. We are also very pleased that the vicar, Rev. Adam Friend is a regular visitor in the school and holds assemblies for us in church each week.
Millennium Windows
St. Peter's Church, Duddon  celebrated the 2nd Millennium of Jesus' birth, by installing new stained glass windows in the East Window of the church.The windows represent HEALING and JOY and the ideas for the design were produced locally. The children at St. Peter's School were involved in the project.


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Contact the School

Duddon St Peter's Primary School

Tarporley Rd

Head teacher:
Paul Hudson B. Ed., NPQH

Main Contact: Abigail Langan

Tel: 01829 781366

SEN Contact: Holly Tench

SEN Email: