Class 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Entwistle
Mrs Nicholas
Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. We will continue to build on the great start we had last half term.
We will be exploring the following topics together
Maths- Addition and Subtraction
Literacy- The Rhythm of the Rain
History- The Stone Age to the Iron Age
Geography- What are rivers and how are they formed?
Science- Rocks and Fossils
Art- Drawing
Design Technology- Textiles.
Music- Changes in pitch, tempo and dynamics- rivers
PE- Games
Computing- Digital Literacy
PE will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon. Spelling tests will be on a Thursday morning.
Homework will prioritise reading, spellings and gaining fluency with times tables. I will send information at the end of the week.
Any questions, please see myself, Mrs Nicholas or Mrs Rees.