The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage is the curriculum followed by Nursery and Reception children. It covers a range of skills and subject areas. In our setting we have a vibrant and dynamic learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, which is used to develop plaay, exploration, active learning, creativity and critical thinking. A key part of our provision planning, and the Early Years Foundation Stage, is to ensure that children develop their characteristics of effective learning. This manifests itself within:
- Playing and Exploring: how the children investigate things.
- Active Learning: how well the children concentrate and remain focused on their goal.
- Creating and Thinking Critically: how the children develop their own ideas and make links between their ideas and experiences.
There are three prime areas of learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We help the children to build a positive self-image and develop relationships with others. Through a variety of activities we aim to help children to learn how to manage their feelings and understand behavioural expectations.
Communication and Language
We support the children in the development of their speaking and listening skills in a language rich environment.
Physical Development
We aim to provide opportunities for the children to develop their co-ordination, control and movement, as well as helping them to understand the importance of healthy living.
Alongside these three key areas are four specific areas which are integrated into the activities we complete to ensure we develop the whole child.
We aim to spark the children’s interest in reading and writing through a range of fun, practical activities.
We encourage the development of counting skills, using numbers for problem solving and also understanding of early concepts of shape, space and measure.
Understanding the World
The children have opportunity to explore their world through technology, the environment and the wider community.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children experience a range of media and materials and enjoy music making, artwork, dance and role play activities.