Week ending 9.11.18
Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 1:25pm
We started this week by talking about fireworks and their colours and sounds. We made some lovely pictures and put them on the wall.
In maths we have focussed on more and less this week. We have worked on 1 more and 1 less and then extended our numbers to 2/3 more and less.
We have read and talked about the book 'The Fabulous Pie' . Everyone wrote a plan for their fabulous pies putting all their favourite foods in! We then made some fabulous pie cases which we used in our more and less work - inventing the most fabulous pies and counting the ingredients. In the woods on Thursday afternoon we made fabulous pies for the birds. We made pastry with bird seed in and then filled the pies with oats, suet and seeds. We left the pies around the woods and our garden ready for the birds tea!
We have learnt about Remebrance and why we have poppies. We have a lovely display on our window.
Today we have talked about Divali and have made some lovely Rangoli patterns.