Week ending 6.3.20
Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 1:20pm
Yesterday was World Book Day. We had a lovely time with Year 6 sharing stories. In the afternoon we enjoyed the story from the story teller, Helen. We also wrote our own story ‘We’re going on a dinosaur hunt’. In the afternoon in the woods we went on our dinosaur hunt and did all the actions to our own story. Today we are illustrating it.
We have started making dinosaur sculptures. We made them from newspaper and next week we are going to cover them with modroc - they are going to look great!
Today we have thought about which dinosaur we would like as a pet - there are lots of good ideas.
We have learnt all about fossils and made our own fossils - they are drying ready to go on display.
In maths we have really worked hard on our numbers and estimating.