Week ending 22.11.19
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 1:29pm
This week we have started learning our Christmas songs and we have started to learn about the Christmas story. We are writing our own Christmas play so after listening to the story we chatted to Mrs Knight about it.
We have worked hard on subtraction this week. Nursery have used the language of take away confidently and Reception have solved some subtraction problems.
We did an observational drawing of the sunflower heads in our garden. We looked really carefully and they are amazing pictures.
Yesterday we dug the weeds out of our planter and planted daffodils ready for the spring. We found lots of worms!
In the woods we did some worm charming and made lots of noise to try and tempt the worms to come out of the ground. We learnt why worms are so important for the plants.