Week ending 15.2.19
Date: 15th Feb 2019 @ 1:29pm
What a lovely week we have had! We spent the first part of the week getting ready for our wedding. We made an enormous cake which everyone helped to stir. Once it was cooked we all iced the cake. Everyone made the flower decorations - it was fiddly work!
We also made some flowers to go on our clothes. They were really pretty. Please look in the News section of the website to see our lovely pictures. After the wedding we came back into our garden and threw confetti and rice - it was good fun!
We have also done a lot of weighing work this week with the scales finding out which things are heavy, which are light and which balance. We used non standard units to measure weight.
We have told the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and also wrote some sentences. Reception did a great job using their phonic sounds to spell the words.