Welcome to our school
Duddon St. Peter's School is a small primary school, nestling in the Cheshire countryside. We have a happy and caring environment where children are given a warm welcome. Our hope is that each child in the school will have an opportunity to achieve their full potential. Our school is fully committed to providing a safe environment for all children to learn in and safeguarding is a high priority.
The school was founded in 1875 by the Church of England. We value the long tradition of providing education here and work from a Christian base which is reflected in all that we do. Close ties exist between the school, St. Peter's Church and the local community. Our aim is to create an environment where children quickly settle and achieve their best in all that they do.
Treetops is our Foundation Stage Unit, based at Duddon St. Peter's and takes pre-school children from the age of three, alongside our Reception class.
Our public consultation over the proposal to federate two schools of
Duddon St.Peter's CE and Barrow CE begins today, the 24th February,
and will run for six weeks until the 4th April. Please follow the link below.
'Pupils love coming to this small, village school.....they enjoy their lessons,
show high levels of engagement and aim to do their best.'
'Parents and carers appreciate the strong relationships that have been built with school staff.
They feel that the school brings out the best in their children.'
Our Ofsted Inspection Report in January 2025 judged the school to be 'Good' in all areas.
'Be the best you can be.'
For any prospective parents, please telephone the school 01829 781366
to make an appointment.
Read more about us in our PROSPECTUS.
What our parents say about the school